Call of Duty: Black Ops-Nuketown

It all started the day after my high school graduation, my friend's parents bought him an Xbox 360 for all his hard work in high school. Due to the terrible economy it was the first Xbox 360, so it has been used before. My friend called me as soon as he got his graduation gift so I could go over and play. Once I got ready I made my way to his house which is about one block away from mine.
Once I got to his house I found him playing Black Ops. He told me to open the door and walk in because he was busy playing multiplayer. As soon as I got in I sat down next to him and I watched as he was slaughtered by all the experienced players around him. I couldn't help but chuckle every now and then. After a while he got tired of being killed on a regular basis, and he let me play. I spent about half an hour playing nothing but sticks and stones. So then I decided to play team deathmatch. The map was going to be Nuketown, one of my many favorite maps. As I waited for the game to begin, my friend said his father called to go run a quick errand and that he will be back shortly.
I was okay with it, we were the only people in his house. So I returned to the game. I waited for ten seconds and the game had begun. I started off rather nicely than I normally do. I started to grow a bit frightened being the only one in my friend's house. So I tried to shake the feeling while playing. Soon after a few minutes players began to leave, one by one. I figured that they had all gotten frustrated and quit the game. So I kept playing. After about a while It was only me and some other kid from the opposing team. After wandering around I finally found him. I aimed down my sights ready to shoot. However the player was not moving at all. I figured he was away for a few minutes so I just messed around with the environment. Then it began when I went into the green and white house, North of the map. I decided to stand still for a few moments shooting at a mannequin. When I heard the noise players make when injured. I had thought it was from the mannequin at first, I knew I was being silly, I figured it was the other player who may have jumped off the ledge looking for me. I ran back to where I last saw the player and he was still standing in exactly the same spot. I started to grow a bit frightened, and what made matters worse is that I was the only one in the house. Then I decided to go back to shooting the same mannequin from last time, so I ran back to the green and white house. After about a few minutes of emptying rounds into it I heard a grunt. I was startled and flinched in real life.
Then I decided to leave the house and I just started to run laps around the map. Then I saw exactly the same mannequin that I was shooting at earlier. However this time it was not inside the green and white house. It was standing in the opposite house from across the map. I figured it was just a copy of the mannequin and I ran back to check. However the mannequin in the green and white house was no longer there. I told myself that it was perhaps a little Easter egg where the mannequins would switch locations. However the only mannequin that moved was the one that had made noises as if having been injured. I ignored it and I continued to run around. I grew bored and frightened, so I went to find the player and I noticed that he had moved to a different spot. He probably got back and then had to leave because the player made no signs that he was playing. So then as I turned around I saw the mannequin standing right in front of me.
I began to shoot it and I heard the grunting noise, the same one as before. I ran out of the house and decided to hang around the swing sets on the other side of the map. When I got there I saw the same mannequin once again. I started to get terrified and I just sprayed it with the remaining ammunition I had. I heard the same grunt and this time I saw blood spray from the mannequin. I thought it was just my imagination. I ran away from the mannequin and as I turned to look back I saw what looked like the mannequin walking stiffly towards a garage that led to the kitchen on the south side of the map I believe. I lied to myself saying that it was just the other player, but I later found the player where I had last seen him.
Now I knew that it was the mannequin and it began to walk. I sprinted across the map and instead of finding the mannequin, it found me. It was walking stiffly towards me. I immediately began to run away. However I only managed to move about 5 steps until the Xbox controller seemed to have stopped working. I had nothing to do but to stare at the TV screen watching as the mannequin walked towards me making grunts and moans as if it were a Nazi zombie. The mannequin finally got close enough to the player and it stood still. It stared at me with blank white eyes. I felt like crying. I had no other option but to turn off the TV. However it was a flatscreen and it only turned off with the use of a remote. I looked for the remote and never found it. I couldn't unplug it because it was stuck to the wall. I then tried to turn off the Xbox, I pressed the power button, but it did nothing. I did not want to pull the plug because I didn't want to have to get my friend a new Xbox.
So I sat down and stared back at the mannequin. Staring at its pale face, with no expression at all. It made grunts and moans again but it wasn't walking. Then after about ten minutes of staring at the mannequin's face, it began to move. It moved closer and closer up to the point where its face covered the entire TV screen. Then it roared, it sounded like a human screaming in pain as if being terribly injured. The mannequin moved back. Then it walked towards me once more. Once it made contact with me the entire TV displayed nothing but static. The volume then began to grow louder. The Xbox turned off as soon as the TV began to display static. I got terrified and I ran out of the house to wait for my friend outside. After about ten minutes of waiting he finally showed up. I explained to him what I had been through but he did not believe a word I said. He said I was being silly. We went inside the house again, found the remote, turned down the volume, and then my friend turned on the Xbox. He wanted to see this mannequin for himself. The Xbox turned on as usual and it started to play the game. He started to play online. Then after about three hours he finally gave up. I asked him where he got the game and he said that his parents had bought it along with the Xbox from a woman who claimed something was wrong with it.
So my friend's parents bought it for fifty dollars. We asked them where they bought the Xbox and they gave us the address. Me and my friend ran to see the woman but the address we were given only led us to a home that was for sale. We both looked at each other and without a word, we walked home...After this encounter I never dared to play on the Nuketown map. Thank you for taking the time to read my frightening experience. You do not have to believe that this is true or not. I am merely writing what I have seen...{{By|Soulreaper888|link =|cpwuser = yes}}